Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (previously known as Twitter), is gearing up to implement an annual fee for new users as part of efforts to combat spam and bot activity. Musk confirmed the plans on Monday, highlighting the need to address the relentless onslaught of bots that can easily evade current detection methods. According to Musk, charging new users an annual fee for basic posting privileges is essential to curb spam and enhance the user experience on the platform.
The initiative stems from concerns raised by code trackers who discovered references to the subscription model within X’s web version. Reports suggest that new users will be required to pay a small annual fee before gaining access to essential features like posting, liking, replying, and bookmarking. This strategy, previously tested in New Zealand and the Philippines, aims to deter spam and foster a more positive user environment.
While the move has received mixed reactions from the community, with some acknowledging the necessity of combating bot activity on X (Twitter), others remain skeptical about its effectiveness. Critics argue that professional bot operators and trolls may still be willing to pay the fee, potentially undermining the intended purpose of the subscription model.
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Elon Musk also highlighted another consequence of rampant bot activity—the depletion of available usernames due to fake accounts. By implementing a subscription-based approach, X aims to reclaim valuable usernames and improve the overall quality of user interactions on the platform.
The decision to introduce an annual fee underscores X’s commitment to tackling spam and ensuring a more authentic and engaging experience for its growing user base. As discussions unfold, the community awaits further details on the duration and specifics of the proposed subscription model.